Title: Eternal Life Series: The Cursed Series, Book 6 Author: Kara Leigh Miller Genre: Young adult paranormal romance Content Warnings: Violence / heavy kissing / sexual situations Publisher: FireChicken Press, LLC ASIN: B08QJLRDQN Print ISBN: 9781735433653 Release Date: February 9, 2021 Buy Links: Ebook: Website / Amazon Print: Signed Paperback / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Walmart Blurb: A violent attack during their honeymoon left Chloe fighting for life and Trent missing. Now, Chloe returns home—alone and devastated and clinging to the hope that Trent is alive and will come back to her, but as days stretch into weeks, her optimism wears thin. And with mounting pressure for her to break the centuries old curse haunting her very existence, time is running out.
Trent finally returns, but he’s a changed man. Having endured unspeakable torture at the hands of his captors, he’s more determined than ever to ensure Chloe and the rest of his family stay safe, even if that means living on the run for eternity.
But the timer has zeroed out on Chloe’s human life, and she must break the curse if she’ll have any hope of saving her loved ones. As her enemies advance, Chloe has no choice but to face them—and not everyone will walk away alive.
Cover Art:
About the Author:
Kara Leigh Miller is a full-time wife; stay-at-home mom to 5 kids, 4 pit bulls, and 7 cats; writer, and the Editorial Director at Anaiah Press. When she's not busy writing romance novels that leave readers swooning, she's spending time with her family, working out, or binge watching Netflix. And sometimes, she'll even play golf with her husband, even though she totally sucks at it. Find her anytime at: www.karaleighmillerauthor.com